Tarlac Plazuela | Outdoor Area

The Tarlac Plazuela is a vibrant outdoor oasis that serves as a melting pot of leisurely spaces, parking lots, sidewalks, and parks. It is a bustling hub of activity for locals and visitors alike, but prior to our involvement, the area was plagued by persistent flooding and puddling, causing it to be less attractive for people to go to the area.

Our team was brought in to give the area a facelift, and we did so by utilizing our G1 Square Pervious Pavers and Hexagonal Permeable pavers. These pavers were the magic wand that helped eliminate flooding and puddling in the area by a significant amount as it allows rainwater to seep through the blocks and back to the earth. We also worked hand in hand with Tarlac to create a system using our pavers that would allow them to collect rainwater using perforated pipes installed underneath the pavers that they would treat and reuse. As a result, the Tarlac Plazuela is now a more beautiful and functional space that is enjoyed by many, and a true gem of the community.


Tarlac Plazuela | Events Center


Filinvest City | Sidewalks